On the occasion of our upcoming DXpedition, we are proud to introduce the team members who will join us on this exciting adventure.
Each member brings a unique set of skills and expertise to ensure everyone has a memorable experience and, most importantly, a lot of fun.

Meet the Team

Fabri – IV3JPP ( Team Leader )

Formerly with the call IW3SQY, after a break of several years from radio, his passion for this world brought him back on air again with this new adventure. He organized the D64K and XR0ZR dxpeditions and participated in TY1KS, and operated with many other calls.

Paolo – IV3DSH

Very knowledgeable and skilled operator, for many years ham, DXCC Honor roll, lately dedicated to activity in 6m. Has participated in D64K and XR0ZR and various contests.

Frank – IZ8GCE

Avid contester and radio engineering enthusiast. He has long been dedicated to ‘self construction of products dedicated to the amateur radio field. He has already had various experiences in dxpedition including TY1KS, D64K and XR0ZR.

Maurizio – IV3ZXQ

Skilled CW operator, with a lot of experience in team settings. He has operated from various stations including CN3A, 9Q1AA and TL8AA as well as the most prestigious contest stations in his country.

Mauro – IV3AZV

Experienced CW operator.
Various contest experience from major stations and from IR4M.
Excellent technician on PC networks, is passionate about building HF antennas. First experience in dxpedition.

Young operator Project

Supported from major Foundations and Clubs, we are selecting young operators to participate in this adventure !!!



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